- arm's length transaction
- сделка между сторонами, не имеющими юридических и финансовых связей
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
Arm's Length Transaction — A transaction in which the buyers and sellers of a product act independently and have no relationship to each other. The concept of an arm s length transaction is to ensure that both parties in the deal are acting in their own self interest and… … Investment dictionary
arm's length transaction — sandoris įprastinėmis rinkos sąlygomis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Sandoris, sudaromas laikantis principo, kad dalyvaujančios pusės yra nesusijusios, siekiant išvengti bet kokio interesų konflikto. atitikmenys: angl. arm s length… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
arm's length transaction — Said of a transaction negotiated by unrelated parties, each acting in his or her own self interest; the basis for a fair market value determination. A transaction in good faith in the ordinary course of business by parties with independent… … Black's law dictionary
arm's length transaction — Said of a transaction negotiated by unrelated parties, each acting in his or her own self interest; the basis for a fair market value determination. A transaction in good faith in the ordinary course of business by parties with independent… … Black's law dictionary
arm’s length transaction — A transaction at *fair market value between unrelated parties, or a transaction made as if it were between unrelated parties for example, All the sales between the corporation’s overseas branches are made at arm’s length … Auditor's dictionary
arm's length transaction — сделка между неаффилированными лицами, предполагает использование рыночных цен и тарифов и отсутствие между контрагентами фидуциарных отношений … Glossary of international commercial arbitration
arm`s length transaction — business dealing between two parties that are independent of each other … English contemporary dictionary
arm's length — n: the condition of the parties to a business deal in which each has independent interests and one does not dominate the other often used in the phrase at arm s length a contract made at arm s length arm s–length adj Merriam Webster’s Dictionary… … Law dictionary
Arm's length principle — The arm s length principle (ALP) is the condition or the fact that the parties to a transaction are independent and on an equal footing. Such a transaction is known as an arm s length transaction . It is used specifically in contract law to… … Wikipedia
arm’s length — /ɑ:mz leŋθ/ adjective ♦ arm’s length transaction a transaction which is carried out by two parties with no connection between them (resulting in a fair market value for the item sold) ♦ to deal with someone at arm’s length to deal as if there… … Dictionary of banking and finance
arm’s length — adj. Distant, not intimate; describes a good faith, fair market transaction by parties with relatively equal bargaining power, in which neither one forces the other to accept terms. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of… … Law dictionary